Across the Tracks…

It was a little chilly the Saturday morning a group of painters settled in Grapevine, Texas to paint some of the historic scenes. Wind was blowing pretty hard, and I guess chilly is a bit of an understatement. It was cold. However it did warm up nicely towards noon.

Plein air painting of the Grapevine Vintage Railroad

Easel setup across the tracks looking at the Grapevine Vintage Railroad

I set up across the tracks. Or, maybe I should say “the other side of the tracks”. Or was it? Which side of the tracks you are on depends on your perspective.  Both offered some interesting views. Since the Grapevine Vintage Railroad had left the old Victorian style train setting on the tracks near main street, and because a friend of mine, Pete Quaid, was set up at that intersection, I decided to set up near the train and RR crossing and take a stab at the railroad cars, and so Pete and I could solve all the difficult issues that plague the universe. 🙂 However, I believe we got distracted and discussed the gold on the front of the railroad car.

Plein Air oil on panel titled "Intersection"

Plein Air oil on panel titled “Intersection”

The final painting above is the result of the outing. I called it “Intersection”. It reminds me of all the intersections in life, some good, some not so good. It seems that how we handle those intersections define much of the daily attitudes of the heart. I’m learning more and more that as a believer, a follower of Christ, not ONE of these “intersections” slips through God’s hands without it being part of his plans, and with a deeper purpose for my ultimate good and His glory. I have also noticed that the journey is full of amazing intersections.